*We apologize, but we do not speak English very well.

Please contact us by Fax or E-mail


FAX :+81-577-32-3508

E-mail : oyadoyoshinoya@ybb.ne.jp


Please enter all required information in the following application form, and click the "SEND" button at the bottom when finished. (Transmission button should be "Send".)
After checking availability, we will answer you by e-mail.
Your reservation will be confirmed only after we have received your reply.
If we do not receive your reply, we cannot accept your reservation.
Please keep in mind that we cannot reserve a room if we do not have any vacancy for the day you plan to stay.
If there are any reservation changes or you need to cancel your reservation, please let us know by calling our phone number at least one week ahead of time.
Please also make sure to notify us in advance if you will be checking in after 5 PM or if you will be arriving late.

Please check your email address carefully before submitting the reservation request.
Keep in mind that if you enter your email address incorrectly,
unfortunately there will be no way for us to reply to you.

メモ: * は入力必須項目です